Branded VS Non Branded Review

I was searching for a presentation or an article about Branded VS Non Branded computer where I can find Technical discussion about subjected categories but all I come across was either very funny or very less technical to satisfy a computer expert. I was reading on a forum for Branded VS Non Branded computer comparison,  writers says that Branded use all hardware of same company while Non Branded built by different vendor that’s totally wrongs because Branded Computer also use different hardware type from different vendors. I am a Network Engineer at MacroSoftinc Pakistan and don't have specialization in Hardware system but I am only going to discuss or explain certain things that I learned in my professional career and I am assuming that all reader have basic computer knowledge and secondly Branded VS Non Branded comparison is mostly concern to some kind of environment where all below mentioned feature matters or at least some of them;

1. Reliability
2. Stability
3. Performance Assurance

Many of my readers may be thinking that why I don’t add support and hardware cost in above but as I mentioned before that it totally depends on your business plan, I am from Pakistan and had work in National and Multinational companies and all of them was having their own business logics to save either Hardware Cost or Working Person cost but let's discuss all points with details if till there is something to read more :)

1. Reliability: - The very first thing that a professional person may think is reliability of its hardware (not software) Branded computer is more reliable than a Non Branded Computer. How? Well a branded computer has a father and every single hardware used, is tested at every possible level before shipment in the market. In case of any hardware issue you can approach Vendor or can get help from various ways. Non Branded computer are good like a lucky gambler, these works at their Luck. No? Obviously great word to start argument where cost matters more than users and performance but Non Branded are less reliable in term of hardware compatibility and they have more than double hardware issues than a Branded Computer.

2. Stability: - You may be thinking that reliability and stability is the same thing but there is slight difference between both of them, stability is not about Operating System or applications only, Improper hardware configuration leads stability issue and again Branded computer comes in market after some quality test in Vendor organization, that's why they properly release a Professional, entertainment & home series of Desktops, Laptops. 
Non Branded computers are less stable in term of hardware configurations. If you have a great experience and knowledge of hardware you may be able to manage Non Branded computers or if you don’t have concern about hardware reliability or work time loss, then it is obviously a best option to choose Non Branded Computer instead of Branded Computers.

3. Performance Assurance: - Some advance users, who are already using Non Branded computers in their company, may be thinking that performance is mostly measured by applications like Operating Systems and other usage, well I am not talking about Memory leakage and Processor usage by poor operating systems or some kind of applications. Hardware Performance is something that comes with loads and stress, compatible chipsets, hard disks, processors and even Power Supplies and all these highly depends on Hardware stability and reliability. I am not lover to spend more money but where all above points matter, I never love to give a single argument to compromise for these. Well, Branded Computers give more assurance on Performance because they have try to maximum meat for Reliability of hardware and stability as well and all these things make a path to Performance where Non Branded Computers don’t have these things as compare to Branded Computers.

Hardware Cost is also matters for businesses where they don’t need all above or they less need for such things, Customer Support from Vendors also matter only if you think that your resource (humans) and your task / work is important because when both work and workers are uncomfortable, they will never deliver a quality of service or at least they will not create a good repute for your company. If I miss something, please add in comments.
